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Placeholder Config

Placeholder Config page displays a list of placeholder configs. You can filter the list on the basis of comm type, placeholder, placeholder description, placeholder type, rule method and role name.

How to create a placeholder config?

1. Click + icon on the top right. Following pop up window will open.

Field Level Description

Module list of modules. You can choose one.
CommType list of modules/menu items under Module chosen. You can choose one.
Placeholder list of pre populated placeholders. You can choose one. Configuration of placeholders is outside the scope of this application.
Role list of roles assigned to the users. You can choose one.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button. A new placeholder config will be created and added to the list of placeholder configs.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Let us take an example of leave request approval. Under HRIS > Cofiguration > Mail Configuration create a template for Leave Request Approved with @@UserName@@ placeholder for employee's name. Now go to HRIS > Configuration > HRIS Notification for binding the template to module and communication mode which is email in this case. Next go to ADMIN > Configuration > Workflow, select Leave Process and at L1 Approval Stage bind the template for Approved Action.

Now when L1 Manager approves an employee's leave a mail will be triggered with @@UserName@@ replaced with employee's Name .

Likewise, there are other placeholders configured which can be used in different mail templates throughout the application.